Registration Flow/Help


Prerequisites for registration


3 different email addresses

  • For Business
  • For Facilitator
  • For User

※You cannot re-register an e-mail address which is already used for “Business account” or “Facilitator account”.


Start Guide
Business help
facilitator help
user help

About each account

What you can do with administrator privileges

  • Registering and deleting new users,
  • Creating and deleting new groups.
  • Locking of viloators.
  • Check subscription plans and purchase renewals.

What you cna do with facilitator privleges

  • Karuta “theme” setting.
  • Invitation of user of Karuta to be created.
  • “Approve” or “Reject” Karuta created by the user.
  • Deleting users from already created Karuta, Inviting new users.
  • Start a malti-play of already created Karuta, invite useres, created a match group.

What user privileges can do

  • Create Karuta cards.
  • Use of personal Karuta game.
  • Participate in and play an invited Karuta game multiplayer match.
  • Violation report.

Online karuta “KARUTAP” deepens one’s knowledge through playing

KARUTAP is an online karuta game that allows you to create your own original karuta by preparing your own words, images, and sounds.

If you are interested, please register.