Facilitator Help

Explains everything you can do with the Facilitator Account, such as creating karuta, accepting/rejecting karuta, and preparing for multiplayer battles.

Please check “User Help” for information on how to register cards, play alone, and play with multiple people. 

Create karuta/user invitation (when invited when creating karuta)

① Login with the “Facilitator Account”

KARUTAP ログイン画面
KARUTAP Login Screen

② Click on “Karuta”

KARUTAP Top Screen

③ Click on “Create” at the bottom right

KARUTAP Karuta Screen(Facilitator Screen)

*The Carta List screen differs for each facilitator.

④ Enter required information

After entering the required information, click on “Create” at the bottom right.

Create Karuta Screen
  • Karta name: Enter the name of the karuta to be created (e.g. Hyakunin Isshu)
  • Category: Enter the category name (example: Japanese)
    • Category name of what you created: Select from the pull-down menu
    • Create a new category・・・Enter
  • Maximum number of cards: Enter the required number of cards in single-byte characters (e.g. 100 cards)
    *You can change it later. 

⑤ Invite the User

Add each user you want to invite and click on “Go”.

Invite the User Screen

*Since it is possible to apply a filter, it is convenient to enter a distinction even if the “grade” is not relevant.

When inviting users after creating karuta

Log in with your facilitator account and click “Karuta”.

① Select karuta

Larita List(FAcilitator Screen)

② Click on “Invite”

Card confirmation screen(Facilitator)

③ Click on “Add”

Invite the User Screen

④ Click on “Add”

Add the users you want to invite one by one and click on “Execute”.

Invite the User Screen

Delete a User

Log in with your facilitator account and click “Karuta”.

① Select karuta

Karuta List(Facilitator)

② Click on “Invite”

KARUTAP Card confirmation screen(Facilitator)

③ Click on the “trash can” icon

Click the trash can icon next to the name of the user you want to delete and delete the users one by one.

Invite the User Screen

“Approve” or “Reject” cards

When a managing user creates a card, a notification will be sent to the bell” mark on the upper right of the “facilitator screen”. If the facilitator does not “Approve/Reject”, the created card will not be displayed on the user screen. 

① Log in with your facilitator account.

KARUTAP ログイン画面
KARUTAP Login Screen

② Check the notifications

Click the “bell” mark on the upper right of the screen and click “View” on the registered card.

Card Verification (Notification Center)

③ When “Approving” a card

Check if the ‘theme’ and ‘image/text/audio’ match for each card.

If the contents match, click on “Approve”.
*When the facilitator “Approves” or “Rejects” the card, the user will be notified. 

KARUTAP KARUTAP “Approve/Reject” Screen

③ When to “Reject” a card

If the content of the card does not match the “theme” and “image/text/sound”, or if it cannot be approved, click “Reject”. Please enter the reason as to why you could not “Approve” the card.

Reason for refusal input screen

Playing with multiple people (multi-match) preparation and start

After selecting Karuta, invite users.
And you can play with multiple people by dividing into teams. 

① Log in with your facilitator account.

KARUTAP ログイン画面
KARUTAP Login Screen

② Click on “Game”


③ Click “Play with multiple players”

KARUTAP Game Home(Multi-match)

④ Select Karuta

KARUTAP Karuta Selection Screen (Multi-match).

⑤ Select a layout

Select a layout and click “Start Game”.

KARUTAP レイアウト選択画面
KARUTAP Layout Selection Screen

⑥ Select “User”

Add each user you want to invite and click “Go”. *At this stage, the “invitation” has not yet been sent to the user.

User Invitation Screen (Multiplayer)

⑦ Select “Mode”

Mode select screen(Multi-match)
  • Manual Mode: The facilitator selects users and manually forms a team.
  • Auto mode: Teams are automatically formed when the facilitator selects users. 

⑧Form a team-1

Form one team at a time. To add a team, click on “Add team” on the bottom right.

Team composition Screen

*In case of “manual”, the facilitator forms the team, and in the case of “auto mode”, the team is formed automatically.

⑨Form a team-2

Add participants for each team and click “Save”.
*”Team name” can be changed.
*Please feel free to select team members one by one or select multiple members.。

Create Team Screen

⑩Form a team-3

Once you have formed your team, click Next.
* At this time, the user will receive an invitation.

Left(“Eye”):Check team members.
Right(“-“):Delete team.


⑪Game start

Check the user’s ‘Participation’ status by the color of the mark and click ‘Start Game’.
* The game can be started even if not all players have indicated participation.

  • Green: if participated,
  • Yellow: not participating,
  • Red: If you refuse to participate
Game Start Screen

* The facilitator can check the status of the match at any point of time.

Delete Karuta

This method is for deleting all created cards.
Please note that once deleted, it cannot be restored. 

①Log in with your facilitator account

KARUTAP ログイン画面
KARUTAP Login Screen

②Click on “Karuta”

KARUTAP Top Screen

③Select the card you want to delete

KARUTAP Karuta List Screen

④Click on “Delete”

Click on “Delete” to delete all created cards. Please note that the cards once deleted cannot be restored. 

KARUTAP Card confirmation screen(Facilitator)

Online karuta “KARUTAP” deepens one’s knowledge through playing

KARUTAP is an online karuta game that allows you to create your own original karuta by preparing your own words, images, and sounds.

If you are interested, please register.