What do you want to do now?
- I want to register as a business
- I want to register a new facilitator
- I want to register a new user
- I want to register a new group
- I want to add a user because I will create a new Karuta
- I want to delete the added user
- I want to add a new user to already created karuta
- I want to delete the created karuta
- I want to approve/reject a card
- I want to invite users to “play with multiple people”
- I want to register my card
- I want to use “play alone”
- I want to participate in “Play with multiple people”
- I want to report a violation
- I want to check the violation report
- I want to block offenders
Online karuta “KARUTAP” deepens one’s knowledge through playing

KARUTAP is an online karuta game that allows you to create your own original karuta by preparing your own words, images, and sounds.
If you are interested, please register.