Karuta Tournament was sponsored by NPO Japan Life and Language Support Organization

“Japanese Karuta” was used at the karuta tournament

The karuta tournament which was sponsored by the NPO, Japan Life and Language Support Organization, was held on the following schedule.

Karuta tournament schedule

  • Date:January 21, 2023
  • Time:Japan time 14:00~16:00
  • Place:Zoom


Karuta tournament

There were 10 participants from all over the world.
Participants from seven countries, including Japan, the United States, India, Norway, Togo, the Philippines, and Thailand, were connected via Zoom in a team tournament format.

The karuta set used was the “Japanese Karuta”. The organizer of this event, the NPO Japan Life and Language Support Organization, held a workshop where Japanese people from various countries can deepen their friendship while discussing Japan and making karuta. Karuta was born. Based on the ideas gathered at the workshop, with the cooperation of many organizations, and with the advice of experts, Japanese culture, customs, manners, etc. we compiled them into 46 original karuta cards. 

In between matches, we also facilitated the folowing:

  • Quiz questions about Japan
  • Live drawing by Mz. Basi, the illustrator of Nihon Karuta”.
    *Participants drew a picture while enjoying Karuta.           
  • Calligraphy demonstration by Shiho Asada


Everyone who participated in the karuta tournament
Karuta tournament
Left: Illustration based on the Zodiac by Mz. Basi                                      Right: Calligraphy by Mz. Asada

Please feel free to contact us, as we also support the event of the karuta tournament.